Since 1995 Felicia Peters has been asked by various youth organisations throughout Bayern to Judge youth competitions, perform and also instruct the young teenagers in the areas of singing, rapping, songwriting composition and performance. Since 2011 she has been more intensively involved in these ventures and is now an official instructor for the following organisations: „Verband für Popkultur in Bayern e.V., Stadtjugendamt Nürnberg" and "Bezirksjungendring Mittelfranken".
She also gives individual vocal coaching lessons and concentrates primarily on helping the youth build their selfesteem (Selbstbewusstsein), and then uses her talents as a certified Photographer and Motion Picture Specialist to create videos for the them, giving them the chance to view their performances and track their progress in the future.
The videos serve also as an ultimate demo for casting shows, prosepective studio recordings and or other promotional events. Subsequently all of her students are given the opportunity to practice what they have learned by performing life at Felicia´s concerts. Every year at the Fürth Festival (www.fuerth-festival.de) they recieve an entire hour to perform during the „Nachwuchstalent Stunde“.